Legal notice

1. Identification data

The business owner of is INNOVAFLOCK 2016 S.L., with CIF B66714593, residing at Stree Rafael Riera Prats, 59, Vilassar de Dalt. Contact Email:

2. Website Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights for the content of this website, graphic design, images and source code are the exclusive property of INNOVAFLOCK 2016 S.L., has the exclusive rights to exploit them. Their reproduction, distribution, public communication, in whole or in part without the express permission of INNOVAFLOCK 2016 S.L.. Also, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind on are protected by law.

3. Web content and links

In Plastiflock 2003, SL not responsible for the misuse of the contents of our website is the exclusive responsibility of the person who accesses or uses. Nor do we assume any responsibility for information contained in the websites of third parties which may be accessed through search engines or links from web page

4. Update and modification of web page

Plastiflock 2003, SL reserves the right to update, amend or delete information contained in, and the configuration or presentation at any time, without notice, and without assuming any responsibility for it.